
Good morning, good morning, good morning to you…

These are pre-getting rid of paci days but I forgot to share them before. So now, here they are!

Oh—and the no paci thing?…I’ll tell you in a minute…

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The no paci thing is going great. Not easy that’s for sure.

There are still moments where I think it would be easier for everyone if she had her paci back.

We are going on two weeks without one. She did find this weird looking pink one. She didn’t like it and so…

she threw it across the room after a few seconds.

It was kind of funny.

So all in all…no paci wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been.

Having said that, I can tell you there is no way I am taking away her blanket.

Yep-this one:



  1. Glad you are leaving the blanket! She is so darn cute!!

  2. I really, REALLY need to get rid of Parker's binky! He is 19 months old and still attached to it!
