
where oh where has debbie gone where oh where can she be...

Yikes...it's late in the day with no post yet. Well...life is not always smooth and simple for a momma of four ya know? Actually--I have been busy cleaning and trying to set up my mini-studio for a shoot. My little sweetie is jumping like a crazy girl in her jumperoo. Wanna see?

Which leads my brain to wandering...I wish they had this toy for adults. I mean, this little girl is going to have legs of steel at the rate she is jumping. AND she never seems to get tired. So...maybe that will be my next adventure...A workout jumperoo for adults. What gadgets would I put on it?hmmm...an iPod (of course)...a little button that says "WOW! you look great!" and a scale that says that I weigh what I did when I met Paul (13 years ago) 103 pounds...or even what I did when I got prego with baby #1...115 pounds. ahhhh sweet skinny memories...Maybe I will have to dig up some of those pics and post them...A before and after shot post if you will...But my after posts are sooo much better. Not of me of course but they have all the good things in life...my babies!!!


  1. Her little feet look like she may be a ballerina some day! lol! I like your ideas for the adult jumparoo too!

  2. Beautifully perfect round baby head...she's a cutie patootie.
