
No longer…

cranky. I’m sure you were wondering.

or not.

That’s okay too.

But I’m not cranky! **And my whole house of children give a big sigh of relief…**


I am exhausted right now though. Friday was Connor’s check up for kindergarten. And today was crazy busy too with about 3 and a half hours spent in the car.

I will show more and more tomorrow when I have had some serious sleep.

In closing…

A shot to make you smile. And nope…not the kind that requires (by law) you to be 21.


That’s what she did when I said “SMILE SAGE!! SOOO PRETTY!”

And yeah…it’s kind of funny. Kind of different. But totally pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I just love those faces Sage makes and you're right...I'm smiling!!
