
What does that mean?

What does what mean? Broken TV? There are many ways to define broken tv. Broken glass, broken cable box (technically not the tv but nothing works so it may as well be broken), broken remote (in which case we return to the stone ages and have to {gasp} get up and turn the channels), broken, broken broken.

What does our broken tv mean?

IMG_9352  IMG_9359

This is what the tv looks like when on. There is sound from any channel we choose. BUT the picture is…is pictured above (ha).

Do you know what happens when LCD’s are hit with flying objects? We do now. And it wasn’t a deliberate attack on our beloved TV(actually’s Paul’s beloved TV). A learning experience provided by a little (not so little now…almost 8) man and swinging objects in the living room. So…despite not being the coolest thing to have happened in the past 24 hours (snort snort) it was a learning experience. So thank you buddy. Sorry you had to be the one to teach us this, but now when we are telling the kids “DON’T SWING THAT NEAR THE TV because remember what happened?,” they will have visual proof of what happens.