As you can tell by the date in the title I didn't take a picture yesterday. Why? Because I was busy taking care of...Stormy. And no pictures needed to be done of her yesterday. Trust me. Want to hear a timeline of this illness for her?
Monday morning--Stormy wakes up and says..."I have a headache." I tell her it's because we had a crazy busy weekend and she didn't get much sleep. Which she didn't. No big deal. She's not running a fever--she eats breakfast and is regular ol' Stormy.
Monday afternoon--we are outside playing. All of a sudden, she stops and says "I'm ffffrreeeezzziiiinnnggg. I wanna go in." So in we go. She feels really warm to me so I take her temp. Holy crap. 103° is slightly higher than "warm." So medicine and baths and bed. She wanted soup for dinner. She ate and she slept. That was it. The fever and a cough. I take her to the Dr. on Tuesday at 1:30PM (another long story there but I won't tell it now). She is still running a high fever 102° . She gets her nose swabbed (she giggles and says it tickles). It is positive on the A side of the test which includes, H1N1. What to do for it? Treat it like a flu. Yep--lots of water. lots of rest. Motrin or Tylenol for the fever/discomfort.
So...that is what our day looked like. Stormy napping on the couch.
Now today...another story. Stormy feels soooo much better. She is still running a fever--really low though...only 100° . And of course the cough. But...she hasn't stopped talking despite all that. She has been laying on the couch watching TV or coloring on her book. Except for right now. Right now she is sleeping in her room. This flu--seems to be moving quickly. In the meantime...wanna see who isn't sick?
Sorry about Stormy. You might just want to learn to ignore her talking (worked for me with you and Bonnie)! OMG, Connor is sooo cute!!!