
12.1.2009---So much in one day---

Shayne's cheer banquet was Tuesday night. She got her trophy for the season along with a few other awards. Perfect attendance--out of 12 girls only 3 didn't miss any games or practice. Knowledge of all the cheers---we learned close to 40 cheers in a very short period of time.
AND---we found out we did NOT place 3rd at competition. We actually took 2nd!!!!!!!!!!

Sage had a long day. She was shopping with me all morning and part of the afternoon. Which meant no long nap for her. While eating dinner she...
put her sweet little head down on her sweet little duckie and passed out.
Poor baby. She only slept like this for 10 minutes.
Good news though: she went to bed early for my sister that had to babysit.


  1. Way to go Shayne!! and poor little Sage!!!

  2. She was a little pain in the booty...until she laid her sweet little head down on me and fell asleep while playing with her hair. She sighed in her sleep and I didn't want to let her go.
