So my best friend gives me a shout and wants to know if I want to meet up and we can do family photo pics. Paul's out of town but I was planning on doing the kids that same day {great minds think alike}. So I get the kids ready and out the door we go. The clouds are rolling in but I love doing outside shoots on overcast days...especially with kids. No glaring sun in the whining...etc. I digress. We meet up at a location. Wow. There have been a few rolls of thunder and lightening
waaaayyyy off in the south. Let's hurry right? Absolutely. I take a few shots of them---which turn out GREAT! And kids. Not so great. Wanna see what Sage has decided to do when set down and she doesn't want to be set down?

Pitiful I know. But guess what else? When you are outside shooting it can be hard to wrangle certain
blonde headed pain in the...I son into posing for a picture. Wanna see?

Yeah--look right behind Sage's head. There he is. Pulling leaves off of the tree. And can you tell that Stormy had gum in her mouth? I finally made her spit it out after a few green teeth pictures.
So did I get any great ones of all 4 of my crew? Nope. That's okay. I will get them. Eventually. I did get a couple of good ones. This one for example:

Yeah--not bad. Stormy's making
her face. Connor was barely hanging in there. Shayne is {of course} my model. And Sage...just wanted to be picked up. I have one more that
maybe, just maybe might be the Christmas card. And nope...they aren't looking in the picture.'s just one of those pictures that makes my heart sigh. Wanna see?
Too bad. Wait til next month or early December to get your Christmas card from me. MAN I love suspense {when it's not me that has to endure it}. So if you really, really would like a better give me your address!
As a little extra note...Sage fell asleep within two minutes of being in her car-seat. And it started pouring...I MEAN POURING on us on our way home. Until the next photo shoot...I'll get you my pretties...and your little smiles too!
Lordy, these are sooo cute and I love your story telling...I really feel like I'm there!!