1) When was the last time I cried? Friday night. I was really upset no one got to see Stormy at her cheerleading thing. She hasn't done any activities yet and the first thing ever for her...no one came. --NO GUILT from those that couldn't come. This is my blog and meant for me to get things out there that are sitting on my chest. I am not posting this to make you feel bad. I'm not upset about it anymore. I was. But not anymore. So keep reading... :)
2) What irritates me the most? A LOT. I have no patience for stupidity. Or the freakin calls that make ME press 1 for English. That shouldn't be an option. If you are in the United States of America...English should be the only option. DRAMA drives me crazy. Yeah-how ironic is it that drama makes me crazy and I am doing a post like this? Yep--pot-kettle...black here. Other things that irritate me...too many to type here.
3) What is my worst quality? My quickness to judge. It isn't something I am proud of. I try to reserve judgement. But in some cases...it is better. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...it's not a chicken.
4)What depresses me? Well if I say what depresses me about me? My weight. I HATE looking the way I look. Seriously. I don't even recognize the heavy chick in the mirror most days. Or in pictures...bleck. On a serious note...child abuse. OF any kind. I am the type that cries when I hear that an 18-year old raped a 8 day old baby. WTH is wrong with those people!?!?!?!
5) What is my favorite thing to do? I have a lot of things I like doing. I love playing with my kids. I love blogging. I love relaxing at night watching Golden Girls (seriously--one of my favorite night shows). I love photography stuff. I am still learning so much. I have heard that I am getting better. I hope that means I wasn't horrible to start with but I am learning new tricks. I love to read. I don't make enough time for it now but...maybe someday.
6) T/F..."Is it true you want more kids?!?" And the answer is....TRUE. Yep. I do want one more kid. I almost have Paul convinced. He has said (recently) that "yeah, one more kid would be good. I love kids (I think he meant our babies, because seriously...how could you not? Have you read my blog at all?) BUT we need to get our crap together." What he is referring to is getting debt paid down and what not. Some people were made to have a couple of kids and be done. Some were made for one. Some were made for 18 (or soon to be 19 like the Duggar family). I was not made for that many. BUT--I would like to think God has one more in store for me and Paul. If not, that is okay too. BUT--I really hope so. To think of never being pregnant again. Never having to deliver another baby. Never getting up a million times a night for a baby...is so sad for me. Being pregnant is the best, coolest thing I have ever done. No-I do not have the easiest of pregnancies. I have to have a cervical cerclage done with each pregnancy. Is it easy? NO. But I love all of it. And I don't mind the craziness that is my life with my four kids now. That is how God made me.
Any other questions that you can think of for me to answer?

Feel better for venting? I am sorry I didn't make it out to see Stormy's big event. Know that I love her and regret not getting to see her do her 'thang'. Amen to the weight thing. Maybe you and I should challenge each other...always worked in the past. Or better, we could team up. That has results sometimes good and bad.
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better after the vent!