
3.31.2009--Um--yes I have had this for a month but am just now getting it out...

Um-yeah. I have had this sales flyer for almost a month. And it is due tomorrow. It is a fundraiser for Shayne's cheerleading. Shayne didn't even know about it because it has been on my counter in a white envelope for three weeks. W-O-W. That's bad right? I am ordering a necklace for each of my girls. The circle charms I have picked out are:
Shayne: kindness. Because she really is a kind kid most of the time.
Stormy: laughter. Because she really causes laughter around her most of the time.
Sage: angel. Because she is. And I really believe that God sent her to me after the miscarriage I had right before we got pregnant with her.
I am getting: mom and miracles. Because I am (obviously) a mom. And I have 4 miracles that are a constant reminder of the mom charm.
Cool, right? Also-I have asked a couple of neighbor's (because they answered their door before looking to see who was there) to order and they did. I also called MiMi and she is ordering a circle charm for each of my girls. SISTERS. How cool is that? These charms are inexpensive which is why they are such a great fundraiser! I can't wait.

To those of you that are reading this that did order: THANK YOU!!! To those of you I never asked but I know would have ordered: my bad. Super sorry and I will get you with the next fundraiser!! So you have been forewarned...I'll have to send Stormy over with the order form. It's hard to say no to her...


  1. so....did you get your photography web site up yet?? and- did you want to order the antiquities pics? i just wanted to check and make sure. see you soon!!

  2. Fundraising... uh yea, btw I'll have candy bars for sell next week for football. lol

  3. OMGosh...don't the people pushing this fundraising stuff realize there's a recession/depression going on?
