

So yesterday was full of challenges. Paul worked on a friend's car for a few hours. And then we headed over to my best friend's house so he could install a new front door (which I have more to say about closer to the end of this post). And of course there are the "normal" everyday challenges...laundry, dishes, the kids, and of course my photo challenge. Only a couple of those do I really enjoy (as you may have noticed). So my favorite...the photo...no wait I mean the kids...actually...it's a good thing they are both together.

These new sleepers that have the "shoes" are so freakin' cute! I love them and when I see them and Sage always needs them...okay so that's stretching it a bit but oh well. Also-you may have noticed that I have been taking even more pictures of my sweetie than the other kids. Which isn't necessarily true. I do take tons of the other kids. I post more of the baby though because...she is growing so fast. She is already 5 1/2 months old. I feel like I am running out of time for her to still be the tiny little baby she started out as. So for now, please enjoy all that I share of the littlest baby of mine. I know I am trying to.

As forewarned I wanted to discuss more of the installing the new door for my BF. Who by the way celebrated her birthday yesterday. Now to start, let me explain a few things about my best friend. She is one of the the best human beings I know. I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a friend. She is also one of cleanest most organized people I know. So Paul and I are there. Installing a door isn't exactly mess free. There is sheet rock dust to contend with and the mess from the shims and etc. So Paul is working and is almost done. There is a mess on the floor. So he tells me "I tried finding a broom and dustpan but couldn't." So I think, "No way. Her floors always look clean. I'll find it since you are probably just missing it."
So I look and look and look. No dustpan. There are couple of brooms in the garage. But they seem to be, ya know, shop brooms. ummmm....where would she hide her dustpan? She gets home with her crew and loves the new door. It looks GREAT! Paul did do a good job. So we tell her we tried cleaning the best we could (we got the vacuum out to clean most of the mess). We tell her, "We didn't see a dustpan anywhere." She replies with "Oh-we don't have one." That makes me smile because only my best friend would have a house as spotless as hers and no dustpan. They use the vacuum for everything. I hope they enjoy their new door. Paul doesn't mind installing this kind of stuff but I think next time, we will travel with our dustpan so we don't panic at the messes we leave behind.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty baby girl. Nice bib too. Only you Debbie would think that you need to put a dustpan in your vehicle.
