
one last funny for now...

This doesn't involve something the kids said. It's something I did. And I am sitting here typing this with a smile on my face. So get ready...it's kind of mean, kind of sad and a whole lot of funny...
One thing I do to my kids every once in awhile is scare the begeezes out of them. It amuses me. I think it stems from my big sisters scaring the life out of me when I was little too. Anyways...the best one to scare it SM. Poor little thing. I get her most often because she is well, the easiest target. So onto my tale...The Lambies

SM has two lambies (thanks grandma mimi) that she has to sleep with. Well one evening she left her lambies in the living room. I told her she needed to get them because momma was tired of running up and down the stairs (not really but I had a plan). So down the stairs she goes...very slowly because only the hallway light was on. So she gets to the bottom stair and she sees her lambies sitting on the fireplace. She starts walking to them. I start yelling to her from the top of the stairs (over the railing so I can see her) that the monster down there is going to get her. I don't think I've ever seen that child move that fast in her short little life. She started screaming and flew up the stairs. Her little heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird's wings flutter. Normally I have the light over the kitchen sink on so I wouldn't have been able to get her if it had been on. It was just luck that it was off. I stopped laughing a little while later and told her that there wasn't a monster and momma was sorry for scaring her half to death tricking her. She didn't appreciate my humor very much. I gave her a kiss goodnight and sent her to bed...with both lambies clutched firmly in her grip.
Lesson of the story: don't leave lambies downstairs ever again and don't go down if it's dark because the monster momma will scare the crap out of you!
p.s. she has not left her lambies downstairs since!

1 comment:

  1. Momma...you are not nice and not funny...but this cracks me up! Tears rolling down my face as I picture my poor baby Sue Sue running for her life. Don't think you've gotten SE or CW like this...YET
