
Nope~ I didn't forget 1.25.2009

I had a crazy busy weekend (which is no different than any other weekday I guess) and didn't get a chance to post so without further ado...onto the show!
What happens when you mix a naked 3-year-old boy with shaving cream and daddy's razor?

While Momma was feeding the baby I decided to climb -naked-onto the bathroom counter. While I was up there I decided to get into Daddy's shaving cream. Well of course once you have shaving cream you have to shave right? Well...I tried to shave above my lip like Daddy. But unlike Daddy I cut my skin...and it hurt. I didn't cry right away though. Momma said she smelled the shaving cream and had to put SR down to come check. That's when I said OWIEEE. Momma quick grabbed a washcloth because I had all this red stuff all over me. She carried me downstairs and laid me on the counter so she could get the owie to stop the red stuff. I had a lot of the white packages on me to get the red stuff to stop. It took forever. And my butt was cold because she had me lay on the counter while I was still naked! Momma finally got the bleeding (that's what she called the red stuff) to stop. But it hurts. Then she took these pictures...to show Daddy. I won't be doing this again...if it's gonna hurt this bad who needs it?????

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